WELCOME TO 4th ESO 2016/2017




  • 1. Find a quote (in the letters) that explains why Walton wants to have a friend.
  • 2. What was Frankenstein's childhood like?
  • 3. Explain why Professor Waldman is important in the novel.
  • 4. Victor undergoes a radical change in his personality at University.  Describe.
  • 5. What does Justine's death suggest about the law and justice in "Frankenstein"?
  • 6. Why doesn't Frankenstein tell the truth about the monster after Justine's arrest? 




1.The story begins with an explorer (Walton) in the Antartica. What was he trying to find there? What brought Walton to that part of the world? Read this article  from the American History Museum to find out.
2.This Prezzi presentation explains to some extent the relationship between Frankenstein and the contemporary expeditions to Antartica. Why did Mary Shelley choose to place his character there?
3. Finally, Antartica is still today a fascinating wild part of world that needs protection from human action. Find out about it in the article by Greenpeace. 

Imagine you get off the boat alone and go for a walk in Antartica:

Describe what you see, what surprises you, what you can hear, smell, feel. What your thoughts and fears are.....

(200 words)


1. Read the article about GALVANI: 

Luigi Galvani
Galvani was born, educated and taught anatomy in Bologna. The Italian physiologist made one of the early discoveries that advanced the study of electricity. His work with frogs led to his discovery in 1781 of galvanic or voltaic electricity. Galvani found he could make the muscles of a dead frog twitch when he touched them with different metals or the current from a nearby static electric generator. But he incorrectly thought fluid in the frog's body was the source of the electricity. This discovery soon led to another by Allesandro Volta, who invented the electric cell or early battery. 
By 1800, Volta proved that the source of the electricity was a reaction caused by the animal's body fluids being touched by two different types of metal.

2. Read what he wrote about his experiment here.

3. Look at the drawings depicting the different phases of the experiment.

4. Now read about Volta, a contemporary of Galvani.

5. Can you explain the differences in their approaches to electricity?

6.Do you know what Galvani's and Volta's experiments proved and how important they are today?

7. Do you understand the fascination Mary Shelly must have felt and how she applied all this to her novel?






The english exams will soon take place and we are now working on em technique to achieve the best possible results.  
Exam training can make your mark go up even 20 more points. As well as working in the classroom and practicing with Language Assistants, you must work at home for 1 hour a day or so until the day of the exam. 



18th of MAY    KEY (A29  and PET  (B2)        AT SCHOOL

21st of MAY    ADVANCED  (C1)        ------



  • Pay attention to the protocol ( who speaks, when...)
  • Listen carefully to the kind of questions (yours will be similar)
  • Notice the candidates mistakes, their attitude, hesitation...

Listen to the episode on this Cambridge page and answer the questions afterwards:

Episode 1 

Episode 2




It is worth a try! Although only ONE student can be chosen.

Follow the link:




  • 1. Find a quote (in the letters) that explains why Walton wants to have a friend.
  • 2. What was Frankenstein's childhood like?
  • 3. Explain why Professor Waldman is important in the novel.
  • 4. Victor undergoes a radical change in his personality at University.  Describe.
  • 5. What does Justine's death suggest about the law and justice in "Frankenstein"?
  • 6. Why doesn't Frankenstein tell the truth about the monster after Justine's arrest? 



1.The story begins with an explorer (Walton) in the Antartica. What was he trying to find there? What brought Walton to that part of the world? Read this article  from the American History Museum to find out.

2.This Prezzi presentation explains to some extent the relationship between Frankenstein and the contemporary expeditions to Antartica. Why did Mary Shelley choose to place his character there?

3. Finally, Antartica is still today a fascinating wild part of world that needs protection from human action. Find out about it in the article by Greenpeace. 

Imagine you get off the boat alone and go for a walk in Antartica:

Describe what you see, what surprises you, what you can hear, smell, feel. What your thoughts and fears are.....

(200 words)


1. Read the article about GALVANI

Luigi Galvani
Galvani was born, educated and taught anatomy in Bologna. The Italian physiologist made one of the early discoveries that advanced the study of electricity. His work with frogs led to his discovery in 1781 of galvanic or voltaic electricity. Galvani found he could make the muscles of a dead frog twitch when he touched them with different metals or the current from a nearby static electric generator. But he incorrectly thought fluid in the frog's body was the source of the electricity. This discovery soon led to another by Allesandro Volta, who invented the electric cell or early battery. 
By 1800, Volta proved that the source of the electricity was a reaction caused by the animal's body fluids being touched by two different types of metal.

2. Read what he wrote about his experiment here.

3. Look at the drawings depicting the different phases of the experiment.

4. Now read about Volta, a contemporary of Galvani.

5. Can you explain the differences in their approaches to electricity?

6.Do you know what Galvani's and Volta's experiments proved and how important they are today?

7. Do you understand the fascination Mary Shelly must have felt and how she applied all this to her novel?


4th ESO  :  we will be posting material to help you prepare for your exams but also to continue enjoying ourselves while learning english and much more.....



Sherlock Holmes is the famous detective you must have all heard about. He worked in his flat in London with colleague and friend  Dr. Watson. Together they managed to solve intricate mysteries by just thinking logically and deciphrating  difficult behavioral patterns.

Concentrating without images is a difficult task.  But if you can do it with music you will get used to doing it with stories. Just imagine how your grandparents listened to so many stories on the radio before TV.

 Click below to get to the podcast:.


Let your teacher know when you have listened to an episode ,and she/he will give you a task to complete on it.


Listen to the fowling podcast.


After listening to the podcast three times (or as many as you need to), add a comment 
here stating whether this has been astonishing news for you and why/why not  and what do you think this means we need to change in education.

34 comentarios:

  1. This podcast was very intresting, amasing and astonishing. I agree with what the indian professor says, teachers should let kids learn on their own, or at least not get in their way. One of the things that surprised me the most was when they say that punishing cancels learning. I can relate to that and also with what they say about not learning things that people you don't like tell you. Education nowadays is seen as: the teacher teaches the student learns and that's it. I disagree because i think learning should be fun and intresting. In conclution, the way we learn nowadays should be changed and teachers and parents should let their children learn by them selfs.

  2. This podcast was awesome, as it made me realise our education system and the way people understand learning is becoming obsolete. Not only due to the fact that the situation and the reality have changed, but because scientists are starting to discover this is not the best way for education.
    For many years, experts thought teachers had to make students learn by teaching them what they knew. Now, many scientists think this concept is completely wrong and obsolete, as teachers should help students learn, but students must do it for themselves in order to really learn something, and nobody can actually impose knowledge.
    So politicians should take this into account and accept that to create an optimal education system, students should be granted more independence to learn and it is very important to stimulate students to do it instead of imposing the knowledge.

  3. The podcast gave me antonishing informarion, apart from being really good and interesting, it sais lots of truths, I agree in what the teacher said, education
    mustn´t be teached, it has to appear by its own, because if you force kids to learn, they would learn less than if you let them. Other example I liked is the one of the babies, education starts when you are born, and you learn more when you are a baby because you aren´t forced. Students also are forced to learn what they don´t like, thats another reason that makes education nowdays bad or boring, the lack of freedom for students, teaching has to be something that teachers and students enjoy. In my opinion, education nowdays should change in all that ways, speacialy the first one, to let education appear, and teachers should try to make for everyone education a thing that you like , not a thing you make because you have to.

  4. This listening was really impressive and had made me wonder about some incredible news. I think the main topic of this programme is how does society and technology affects education.
    It talks about when children develop their brains and the importance of a good enviroment to improve. Also of the different surrounding factors that change the kid's ideas and feelings. The most important fact is the drawback.Nowadays education destroys the creativity and imagination by imposing such rules of education. Education is based on demanding kids to study what they don't want to and asking them too many things. Because of so many responsabilities they feel stressed and bored and they don't like it. They hadn't the oppotunity to discover studing as a pleasure. When you do things because you want they become interesting and gripping. We could change our education in to a interesting education for children.
    I've really felt impressed while listening that the system of education we use was designed. They teach children in order to make a piece of an administrative machine. This system was created many time ago, conditions and time had changed and our education may not be as usefull as it could. We should design an education system that fit with our technological improvements and routines.

  5. This postcast was really surprising and I was astonished after listening to it. I knew that kids were curious and ingenious to get what they want, but with this, that thought has gained another dimension. Someone said that the root of science was patience, but as we can hear on this podcast, coincidence is also a really importang task in science. The most impressive part was the amazing capacity of a human being to adapt and to work with the tools it´s given, and over all, this was tried on children with non-developed countries. Commenting about the conclusion of this man, I will summarised it in one of his sentences: "It´s not about making learning happen, but on letting it happen". According to this quote, there is no a single educational system which is the ideal for the development and growth of new individuals. I totally agree with him when he sais that our education is antiquated, meaning that we are creating machines, and not free and imaginative human beings, we are creating people four our own interests and not for that people´s ones.
    One thing I´ve learned and that was pretty surprising for me was the intervention of a woman who performed several investigations and works about babies and their learning. A data which I didn´t know was that childs start larning when they are in their mother´s belly. The datum that babies would like more some food if their mothers eat that food during pregnancy was unbeleivable for me.
    In general lines, this podcast shows us that the world progress faster than we do and that our educaltional system is old, but it is, and it´s going to be really difficult to change dramatically the sistem that we have used from such a long time.

  6. This post is completly mind blowing. I totally agree with the fact that learning depends on time. I like how people from TED asked people who really knew about it, so we had true information about it.
    Teachers should realize that we maybe don't learn things because we didn't have time. I really think that we do too many things, but we don't know what we are doing, because we don't have time to know it.
    Loved the part that talked about how we all start learning from our mothers womb. I would have never believed it.
    I completly agree with the fact that you'll never learn from a person you don't like. It makes me realize that our educational system is awful, because there are teachers who couldn't work on what they wanted and ended up being teachers. How a person who doesn't like his job is going to make someone else love it?
    Probably the best way to "fix" our educational system should be by asking students how they would like to LEARN, not to pass exams.

  7. This podcast is really amazing and interesting.I agree that teachers should let kids learn on their own, they should learn what they want, and teachers may help them with things that they don´t understand, but they may force them to learn essential knowledges that would be useful for their lifes. Education must be fun and interesting. In conclusion,we must change the way of learning thing and the educational system in general.

  8. This listening was catchy, amusing and shrinking. The programme's main topic is education and the different ways we are educated and the different concerns we have around the world.
    I'm totally agree with the scientists and psichologists that apeared on the post, they said that if you force a teenager to learn he/she may opose to learn it. Theachers might support and help us when they teach and not to force us. On the other hand education also depends on how your parents have aducated you.
    Education musn't be an obligation, if you learn keep on you mind that is because you want to and you like it.
    There's no doubt in my mind that education have to change in some aspects, it must be pleasent and enjoyable.

  9. This podcast surprised me instantly when I heard the first few minutes. I didn´t know that we could learn so much without anyone teaching and taking care of us.
    After listening this, I think we must change in education. We need to leave children developing their imagination and their creativity. Because examination, that it is how we educate nowadays, stresses the students instead of making them learn.
    I know, as a student, that I am learning more when I find something curious that if I study it because it´s an obligation. So, in conclusión, we need to change our minds and see education as an entertainment.

  10. This podcast is very astonishing and thought-provoking. It makes you think that the education system we receive is not the best one we could have. As many
    Scientifics have proven that there are other learning methods that are catchier for students and have better results.

    Nowadays, most of schools teach their students in the traditional way. Teachers explain their subject while students are listening to them. Later, they study for the exam and after it; most of them don’t remember almost anything. I think this must change to improve the future. We don’t have to force teenagers to study what they don’t like, we need to encourage them and let them see that learning can be amusing. Students shouldn’t be marked with exams, because this system only checks the capacity to memorize and not the knowledge learnt.

    Teachers should give students the necessary tools to learn and let them free to study. We must introduce technology in our education system; technology has became one of the best tools to learn. While you are surfing on the internet or playing interactive video games you are learning as much or even more than what you study for an exam.

    In conclusion, we could say that we need to update education to make it be more attractive for teenagers and get better academic results. We could summaries this podcast with one sentence from a teacher “Is not about making learning happen, is about letting it happen”.

  11. The podcast was supringly impressive from the first minute. This podcast is really thought-provoking, once you´ve listen to it you can´t stop thinkig about how you´ve learned things and the point that everything you´ve thought about education might wrong.

    I think te points all of the people in this podcast report about are really suprising and beyond these they are true. I also think that the best way of learning is letting people learn. Another point in this podcast that a thought it to be interesting is the thing that childs learn een before been borned.

    Finally in conclusion education is been thought to be taught, but to have a good education you have to let people learn by their own methods. Learning must be something people want, it must be unforced because forced education led but bad teaching teachers led to failure.

  12. This TED podcast make me think about the education of today, how teachers can influence in his students, the desire of the students to learn, how its curiosity can make them smart.
    To begin with my opinion, I like the experiment of Sugata, he just wanted to see when a teacher is needed for kids that want to learn. His experiment shows us that the good teachers aren´t where they are needed.
    I also learn something new, for example thanks to the scientifics that talk about when we start to learn and how we learn the opinion of someone at early age.
    I agree with the teacher that says that every student need a champion, I think that some teachers didn´t realize that they influence in his students, if the students doesn´t have a support by his teacher maybe they couldn´t achieve his objective, in this case to approve.
    Finally, the idea of a “new system of education”, ” the school in the cloud”. I think it´s a good idea, in this way learning could be easy for students, they can learn what they want in that moment jus in a few minutes. And it could change the perception of today education, it can be something you really want not something that is obligatory.

  13. At first when I had to hear this podcast I thought that the theme wasn´t really appealing, but when I started listening to it I couldn´t stop paying attention to everything they said because it was absolutely fascinating.

    The most shocking part for me was when they asked this question: When does learning begin? To which I though it begun when parents talked to you when you were a baby and while you were growing up. But the fact that they proved that senses like taste, earing and smell developed and were taught to you when you were in your mother´s belly was stunning. Principally the part of the noise in the womb because I had never thought of that detail previously.

    For me the most thought-provoking part was the one where they said babies minds were the same as the most intelligent scientists minds. Which made me think that babies are always exploring and testing things that we already know because we learnt them when we were babies too. And makes you think that younger children can pay attention to different things at the same time while adults normally focus on just one.

    In my opinion our educational system should change in a way that we learn with a little more support from the teacher. Sometimes we can´t learn alone but that doesn´t mean that we want to be taught by some teachers, who most of the time put pressure on us with exams and punishments. And maybe it would be better that they supported us even when we don´t do things perfectly.

    To sum it all up people learn mainly from other people they like and who inspire them to do greater things. In certain cases teachers don´t like what they are teaching and are not enthusiastic about their own subject, which makes us feel even less excited during the time that we are learning it. Teaching and learning should bring us joy instead of feeling that its an obligation or worry

  14. Education nowadays is outdated, it should be seen as something amusing, enjoyable, beautiful, pleasant and interesting in order to have creative, innovative and curious new generations. This is the basic idea this podcast revolves around.
    One thing I liked a lot of this listening is how every concept is explained by an experiment or example. This made it fast-going and really easy to understand. The first experiment about the children in India that was given a computer and learned how to use it by themselves was really surprising to me because it showed how kids have extremely brilliant minds. It reflected perfectly the idea that learning comes from being curious, from discovering things by your own and from having freedom to explore. Also the fact that we start learning since we are in our mothers womb shows we learn from our enviroment and from the people not just from the books and texts we study and memorize in school.
    Apart from this, I also agreed with some of the opinions the teachers and people talking in the recording had. I do think that, in order to teach in a succesful and good way, encouragement is necessary. Now, in many cases, education is based on pointing out failure, on threats, on punishment and on examination which leads to have students under pressure and learning in a way that doesnt bring them joy.
    To sum up, I found this post really thought-provoking and inspiring. We should change our way of educating and learning because it doesnt adapt anymore to our society.

  15. The podcast was lovely.
    It informs about ways of learning with convincing and shocking information based on some real experiments.
    The ones I liked the most were:

    - The 1st : describes how children can learn by their own (A software developer gave a laptop that was in english to some Indian kids that had never seen a computer, in spite of this they were able to learn some biotechnology stuff that was post on it) For me that was incredible

    The 2nd: It tells that babies actually learn before they are born ( in the mother´s belly) In my opinion that it´s unbeliavle. This was demonstrated with some curious facts like: If mother watch a soup opera during her pregnancy time the baby will recognize the main theme of the serie when he/ she borns

    The 4th: it is not a real experiment. Is just a series of advises adults should take into account, such as: grownups should let kids to solve their problems by their own. I absolutely agree with this.

    To sum up I believe there are some ideas in the educational sytem that could be change in order to improve the learning of the children and teenagers. For example (as a man said in the end of the podcast) parents have to allow their childrens to have a self organised learning enviroment. And they have to free the kids to develop the curiosity, because as I see it an inquiring mind is the best key for learn
    Marina 4ºA

  16. This podcast has impressed me a lot. It tells about the way children learn and the way they are learning nowadays
    I agree with the listening, I think children learn when they find things interesting and funny. Teachers should teach like that but instead, they tell us boring things and we have to learn them by heart. What happens is that two hours after the exam we can't remember anything, so we had lost all the time.
    Teachers should let the children make things alone so they can spread their creativity and learn by their own.
    They had ma de experiments and they have seen that they don't need adults to always tell them what to do. So, why don't the teachers change the way of learning? In my opinion, they will learn more than they do now.
    Cristina Hernández Vaillo 4A

  17. When I started to listen to this audio I thought that it was going to be something boring but then I started hearing it and it was surprisingly gripping. The theme is very good because it shows you that you don't have to be looking at a book to learn, ypu learn from life, each day you learn something that maybe it's not in a book or on the internet.
    The homework, the exams, the preassure that the students are exposed to is not good for their learning, but letting them learn by themselves from life it's a good way to make the see that educstion is something enjoyable.
    The experiments that he shows to make us see his point of view of the education are very interesting, the one that made em think the most was the one where the children were given a computer (something that they haven'tsseen and that probably they wouldn't see again) and as soon as they started to experiment with it, in a short amount of time they knew how to use it more or less.
    I totally agree with him, there is no teacher or book or computer that teaches as much as life.

  18. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  19. This audio is amazing and very thouht-provoking. It is so fascinating that you can´t leave it!
    It tells you about the education systems nowadays, and makes you think how they should be through differnet experiments.The one I have liked the most has been the first one, children learning by themselves how to use a computer for the first time, that was unbeliable. The second one was also quite fascinating, the fact that we start learning since we are inside our mothers, that experiment was brilliant too.
    In my opinion, what I have heard in the listening is completely true, I believe we learn more doing funny activities, discovering things by ourselves, than listening to our teachers, reading books or studing things by heart, because probably we would forget them (something that happens to many students...)
    I hope that little by little, our education system will be changing, and maybe in a future we could be better, because as I said before the way everybody learns more and without realising of it is when you enjoy or you are interesting on what you are doing, and what we have learned would be for a long time in your mind, beacause they are part of our memories.

  20. This podcast is very gripping and fascinating. It shows us the capacity of kids to learn even without any help of teachers. What the professor demostrates with this experiment is that they have enough ability to develope ideas and discover the solution by themselves. Although is true that sometimes it is necessary the teacher´s colaboration.
    A very moving point of this interesting experiment is the lack of sources of information and knowledge that some people have. It is very striking the way the children react when they see the computer. Sadly, this is the actual situation in many parts of the world, but we are trying to overcome it through education.

    Answering the question about if this means that we need a change in education, my opinion is definitely yes. The education system is not accessible to everyone what makes the population more illiterated and easier to manage.
    We have to believe in the future generations and encourage them to make a change!
    As the professor says: ´not making learning happen but to LET learning happen´.

  21. This podcast is brilliant,deep,catchy,realistic and spectacular.
    The first part,is in my opinion the best part , it dhows how kids are clever enough to learn by themselves the example is the experiment of the indian engeniere,who put a computer and leave the children wihtout any teacher in the next months students will learn how to use these computer
    in a foreing language.
    The other experiment shows that we born with knowledge we know the accent of our mother if it is french or geman, we know the tyoe of food our mother likes also we know the music they listen to and the most important one for me we recognised our mother's voice.
    About education I think nowadays the knowledge is adquired by a student from a teacher then these information needs to stuck in our brain and write it down on a paper , but I think this is not the right way , we know more that we demostrated in an exam, and I also strongly belive that education could be better if we could learn thuings by ourselfs by deduction,but in a certain age we will need help in these case I think teachers need to support students saying what they do right instead of saying them how bad they do .
    These podcast make me tought-provoking about education, and make me thing that we need computers in our education life.

  22. This podcast is very catchy,gripping and had atonished me. It shows how wrong we are doing education and how wrong our thoughts are about this theme.
    On one hand, it demostrates how curious children can be, and how they solve their problems without any help, such as,wanting to know how the computer works, despite it was in a foreign language and they couldn't understand it, although, we also need teachers to help us if we can't solve it by our own. In my opinion, adults understimate us, thinking we aren't capable of solving problems we have in life by ourselves. But, this investigation, has shown otherwise.
    By the other hand, talking about if we need a change in education, I totally agreed with it. I think, that nowadays, education is determined by teachers talking, students being at class,studying by heart the lessons and having good marks, that's all. However, this shouldn't be all, as once, we do the exam, we forget all we have studied in that lesson.
    In conclusion, I think that students need any kind of motivation , so we will enjoyed it and learn more about it.

  23. This podcast is very catchy,gripping and had atonished me. It shows how wrong we are doing education and how wrong our thoughts are about this theme.
    On one hand, it demostrates how curious children can be, and how they solve their problems without any help, such as,wanting to know how the computer works, despite it was in a foreign language and they couldn't understand it, although, we also need teachers to help us if we can't solve it by our own. In my opinion, adults understimate us, thinking we aren't capable of solving problems we have in life by ourselves. But, this investigation, has shown otherwise.
    By the other hand, talking about if we need a change in education, I totally agreed with it. I think, that nowadays, education is determined by teachers talking, students being at class,studying by heart the lessons and having good marks, that's all. However, this shouldn't be all, as once, we do the exam, we forget all we have studied in that lesson.
    In conclusion, I think that students need any kind of motivation , so we will enjoyed it and learn more about it.

  24. This podcast was amazing, in all senses.
    First of all, I like the way of explaining the concept of education and the freedom it has to have, I like how they explain you this with examples and simple concepts you can understand easily.

    Next, I like the concept it self, I like the concept of giving freedom to stundents and don't forcing them to learn, cause, in my opinion is the best way of learning, this can be shown with a simple example: if a boy or a girl discovers something by themselves they are going to be fascinated of theyre achivement, so that is not going to be erased from theyre minds, but if you force them to learn it, they are going to forgot it in the next two weeks.

    Finnally, I like how they give reasons and examples of all the things they said about education, like the experiments they made with real people.

    In conclusion is a really good podcast in which you can learn lots of things about education and new methods of it without anyone forcing you.

  25. I would lie if I said that this is not one of the most shocking and mind blowing things I´d ever heard. The fact that such small kids were able to understand how to use a computer that was not even in their language was already amazing but even more amazing was how such a difficult, almost impossible, experiment ended up been successful.

    This podcast made me realised about the enormous breach that education has and has been having for quite a long time now. The concept of education is not the same anymore. Now, most of us study for having good marks or just passing our exams and we don´t pay attention on learning.
    The need to have a good mark on an exam is much stronger that the need of adquiring knowledge and new concepts.

    People, like politicians, don´t seem to pay attention or even care about this enourmous problem. Of course educaton is something that needs to be taken seriusly but it also has to be ejoyable because if we enjoy learning new things, I guarantee you that are not going to be forgoten.

    Experiments like this shows us the cpacity of the human being to face ceartain situations and solving different problems. Of course sometimes we are going to need help from our teachers in order to understand some topics or subjects because we are not born knowing, but there are some things that a teacher can´t teach like developing our skills individually or solving our own problems.

    There´s no better teacher than life.


  26. The podcast gave me astonishing information, apart from being really good and interesting, it's very catchy due to all the facts it presents. I agree with the fact that learning from teachers and books, doing exams and all the stuff is not useful as learning by yourself. A really good example for this is me, when I finish an exam, I instantly forget all the things I'd studied for it, the only thing we care about, the students, is about marks, not learning, is only to get good marks and that's all.

    I think this is not good, I think we should be able to learn things by our owns to really learn, not only learn by heart, writting it all on a paper and that's it. Because here is said that you are not going to learn nothing from a person you don't like, soy I think that teachers should make their classes more interesting, not only reading the book, and summarising for the exam.

    Also teachers can't teach us how to live the life, what to do when there's a real problem, how to solve it, etc. I think this is achieved by just learning things from live, not only from books, but from the 'University of life'.

    That is actually my opinion, and I think my partner's opinion too, we should be able to learn by our owns and not to learn by heart and something we are not going to remind 1 year later.

    Teachers can teach us maths, but they are not going to tell us what to do if there's no food to eat.


  27. This podcast is very interesting and it tells all the truth about the education system nowadays. Some teachers only care about teaching and learning things by hard, instead of knowing what you study, but only some teachers, others prepare games for having fun and also learning. This could help a lot on teaching and also on doing the classes easier, it would be better in my opinion. We are not going to learn so easy things that a teacher or a parent oblige to do, we knos that we have to stude because it will be necessary for us in the future and we can by our owns do it.
    It´s impossible to learn things that someone has explained you but angry or forcing us to study it hard.
    So the best thing to do is to plan the class in a different way and it will be easier to learn it all.

  28. This postcast was really interesting and usefull. It showed me new points of view that i didn´t realise before. I already noticed that the education system is not very well organised or planned, but i didn´t notice that this is finishing with the imagination and the creativity of the youngest generations. It´s known that children should be like adults, but honestly, adults should be more like children; being more open minded.
    The ways of studing should change. Nowadays students are only concerned in the marks forgetting about the principal purpose of going to school, learning. Memorizing something by heart while we know that a few days after the exam we won´t remember anything it´s useless. Everyone says that most of the students are not inspirated and i totally agree with it. We don´t have many motivations. Most of the time we feel tired and bored. If they could give us the opportunity to learn by our own we will have new experiences, giving us the pleasure of wanting to acquire more and more knowledge. I do not mean that we don´t need teachers, of course we need them. But they have to help us to obtain a better education in order to make classes more efficent.

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  30. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. This podcast is quite thought-provoking, it talks about a professor who has discovered a new way of learning thanks to an experiment done by himself in India, he shows the way kids learn and their capacity to discover things by themselves, without a teacher explaining what he knows, which would be the normal way. These kids demonstrate in less than six months that they were able to learn by themselves from practice. I think we "hide" an intelligence that we don't know we have and I really agree about the change of the education system thanks to this amazing experiment. The actual education system consists of a teacher being paid for saying what he knows about his subject, but do the students really understand what he is talking about? The answer is no, they don't. The students (I include myself) just memorize what the teacher says for the exam and then they forget, even if there are words they don't understand they memorize exactly what is written on the books and the teachers correct it as if the answers were perfect, this is not a real way of learning, it's just paraphrasing or even coping what we read. I think the only option we have to change this problem is doing what the professor of this podscast says, learn by practice, not by listening.

  31. In my opinion this podcast is very interesting but a little confusing at the same time.It is amazing to believe that kids can learn about a topic on the own without having heard about it before though i think this might happen when talking about languages because even if they are hard to understand sometimes you can deduce some concepts due to similarities or common sense. I´m not saying this podcast isn´t revealing but as far as i´m concerned nobody can learn something as hard as science for example without being teached or at least have information about the subject.In conclusion i don´t think this is a efficient method of learning because besides what i pointed out , dedication and interest from the students would be essential to make this education system work.

  32. This podcast was really nice and interesting. I realised that there's another way of learning. For many years learning was only for the students and teacher should teach them their own knowledge.
    I think that even teacher could learn many things from students.
    Also, children are forgetting what is it for, we only learn things by heart for an specific exam, but a couple of hours later we do not remember anything about we have learnt and all students know this happens every time we have an exam.
    I agree that education should change, learning should enjoy us, nowdays we could easily fall asleep in some classes when we don't like the lesson.
    We, as students, could study by our own, I think we would learn more because it's something we have to achieve by ourselves

  33. the ideas exposed on this podcast were totally brilliant and innovative. In my opinion this would be a step to the future. It is always easier when someone explains things to you but the experiment made there shows that it is possible to learn just by ourselves, even if it is not in our native language. As the teacher said , learning happens by itself, it´s the product of educational
    self-organisation. This would led to more creative and dedicated students , the process of learning would evolve to another dimension. so to conclude, this is the biginning of progress, improvement and advance, learning on our own.
