jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

2014-2015 GIRL RISING

A FILM:              GIRL RISING

A film that tells us the story of 9 girls in different countries of the world with one thing in common :

The power to change their lives. How?  fighting to get an  EDUCATION.

The American Embassy has kindly given us the chance to learn about this project of Educating Girls to change the world.  Students in 1st, 2nd and 3rd of eso are going to work on it and watch this film. 

2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR


Our Bilingual programe keeps growing every year. This school year 3rd of eso is bilingual as well . 
New teachers and new projects as well new students in 1º eso have come to our school. 


Global Classrooms is a competition organized by the United nations to encourage students to participate in important world issues,  to make them aware of the problems in our world and  to give them the tools to fight for a better world. 

Some of our students will compete with other schools in Madrid in January in debates carried out as if in the United Nations.  Only one student will win a trip to New York. 

This project  is carried out in 3rd of eso groups A and B during their Social Studies lessons.

Their Social Studies Teacher : Mª Jesús H. and the Language Assistant: Sophie Amado, appointed by the American Fulbright Programe  are training and working with students  in this year topic:


There is a Blog open for this project at : http://globalclassroomsaldebaran.wordpress.com/